
Oct 17, 2009
Hi there my RAM calls for 1.65V which I have to set in my computers bios. However there are 2 issues:
I can only set in increments of 0.02V so I have been setting it at 1.66V. Is this ok? or should I use 1.64V?

Gigabyte motherboards come with a tuning utility that tells me the DRAM voltage is 1.68V. Is this a problem? should I try setting it lower in the bios so that the utility reads 1.66? (Speed fan has many numbers, what is the ram voltage? the -5V line?)


Does depend on the CPU - for most 1156s, 1.65V; for original 1366 i7s, 1.85V; for new i7-9xx, and most Xeons, 1.8V; not really that touchy - the main thing to adhere to is the 'split' rule - never a Δ between QPI/Vtt and Vddr larger than a half volt!


Votage regulation is not the science it 'looks to be' - the board's (and utilities') methods of 'reading' their own voltage are fraught with errror - so it's really kind of silly for them to be reading out in two or, some cases, three decimal places of 'precision' - when the only way to actually know is to check it with an actual 'precision calibrated' instrument... I would not worry in the least about the setting - lower it and test to make sure it still works if it really bothers you, or just leave it alone, as it's already working - six of one, half-dozen of the other...

Just as an example, I 'calibrate' my scope every couple of months, as our climate's terribly variable - over a 60°C 'spread', with humidity levels to match - BUT, my 'calibrator', itself, has not actually been calibrated in at least six or eight years - so it's mainly an exercise in obsessive behaviour!