RAMDISK not deleting files after shutdown


May 9, 2017
I am currently using a .99 gb ramdisk on my PC to store temporary files and some aid for when im downlowading files im not planning to keep. I noticed that after shutdown and boot up a certain document I no longer needed was still there, I turned the PC off, unplugged it from the electric power, plug back turn on etc and the document is still there, giving me the idea that for some reason my ramdisk is not on the ram but on the primary SSD where Windows 10 is installed, the reason I use a RAMDISK in the first place is to avoid unnecessary reads/writes onto it.
Any help is appreciated. The ramdisk program is Dataram Ramdisk btw
You may have configured your RAMDISK to save things on shutdown or you may have configured it to load a standard disk image at start up. Both of those options are available on the Dataram ramdisk.
I use that ramdisk and it loads a standard disk image at boot time so that there is a predefined directory structure available on the disk.
The configuration options are accessible through the device manager.
You may have configured your RAMDISK to save things on shutdown or you may have configured it to load a standard disk image at start up. Both of those options are available on the Dataram ramdisk.
I use that ramdisk and it loads a standard disk image at boot time so that there is a predefined directory structure available on the disk.
The configuration options are accessible through the device manager.

I checked that like twice now, I'm gonna give it a look one more time to make sure I didn't miss anything , but is there any other reason it keeps doing that ? Thanks for answering