Random black screens in windows 8.1


Apr 8, 2015
Just recently i got an error message of Something like "display driver stopped responding and has recovered". A few seconds later the screen turned black with the audio still functional on skype.

I was simply browsing the internet when this occurred, so i dont think my gpu would have overheated or something. i have reinstalled my drivers a while ago, but i might consider doing it again, i'm not sure what to do.
The message you saw normally happens with the Ati range of Gpu`s.
In most cases the message of "display driver stopped responding and has recovered"
Is a result of the Ati driver it`s self, terminating any process running on the Gpu if the temps of the Gpu are very high.
To the point where even down clocking the core speed of the Gpu in Mhz in an effort to keep the Gpu at a safe operating temp fails.

It is to prevent any damage to the Gpu core it`s self.
A safe guard built into all Ati drivers for example.

So keep an eye on your temps of the graphics card.
Other problems can be left over junk from an old driver. Its always best to un install the prior version of the video driver before installing a new one.
Also some malware on your computer can cause a video driver to crash.
Or any installed Bit coin or mining program that may of installed it`s self on your computer without your knowledge through some infected program or software downloaded off the internet.

To get rid of all video drivers on your pc use this.

Once it has finished your system should re boot, then simply get the latest driver for your model, and gpu chip you have. from AMD or Nvidia. If the temps seem fine then driver sweeper and a clean install of the latest video driver for your card should stop the error message you see.

Thanks for your advice, will try to reinstall the drivers if i see this error message again.