I have these issues with my screen turning black randomly%2C but usually outside of playing a game. %28on desktop%2C in chrome window%2C while just my League client is open not in a game just to know a few instances.%29 So it seems entirely random but doesnt seem to happen while im in any game which is odd. %0D%0A%0D%0ACurrent hardware listed below.%0D%0APsu%3ACorsair RM1000i%0D%0AMobo%3AMSI 970 gaming%0D%0ACpu%3AAmd 8320%0D%0ARam%strippedEmail think%3F%29%0D%0AGpu%3Axfx r9 480x 8gb %0D%0A%0D%0AI have tried other fixes of reverting the radeon drivers back to an older version 16.7.3%28or something around there i forget the exact version%29 and no help. I plan on upgrading to a radeon 580 fairly soon along with most of the pc but id like to have it working until then you know%3F Any help would be much appreciated.%0D%0A