Random black screens.


May 4, 2017
I have these issues with my screen turning black randomly%2C but usually outside of playing a game. %28on desktop%2C in chrome window%2C while just my League client is open not in a game just to know a few instances.%29 So it seems entirely random but doesnt seem to happen while im in any game which is odd. %0D%0A%0D%0ACurrent hardware listed below.%0D%0APsu%3ACorsair RM1000i%0D%0AMobo%3AMSI 970 gaming%0D%0ACpu%3AAmd 8320%0D%0ARam%strippedEmail think%3F%29%0D%0AGpu%3Axfx r9 480x 8gb %0D%0A%0D%0AI have tried other fixes of reverting the radeon drivers back to an older version 16.7.3%28or something around there i forget the exact version%29 and no help. I plan on upgrading to a radeon 580 fairly soon along with most of the pc but id like to have it working until then you know%3F Any help would be much appreciated.%0D%0A
Looks like the post messed up ill retype specs for clarification.
Psu corsair rm1000i
Mobo MSI 970 gaming
Cpu amd 8320
Gpu xfx radeon 480 8gb
Ram 16gb corsair vengence ddr3
More info i forgot to include is that on black screen comouter requires a hard reset, and i can still hear friends in Discord after said black screens happens leading me to believe its my gpu. Both monitors will say no signal as well.