Random BSOD - BIOS changes Core Speed and Multipliers all the time after Power Surge problem

Johannes Kuckertz

Dec 31, 2013
Hi Guys,

So i'm having a problem that started a week ago. Basically, I would do something that "demands" a little more from my pc and it would restart and there would be a screen saying that I had a problem due to a "power surge". Ok fine, thought it wasn't a big issue. After 1 or 2 days it started to BSOD randomly when I was usually about to start match in a game. Now, my pc starts and it already goes BSOD 1 or 2 minutes after doing so. I went to my BIOS and noticed that the turbo mode in the AI Tuner would put the frequency on 4150Mhz. I loaded it to optimized settings and it would reduce itself to 3900Mhz. I proceeded then to start the pc and it lasted longer, but once again, about to start a game, it crashed. I went to my BIOS again and there was everything set again to 4150Mhz.
Not sure if this is the issue, but i'd be very thankful if anyone could help me out with this.

My Specs are:
I7 3770k
Asus P8Z77V Deluxe
Geforce GTX 660Ti
Corsair 800W
128 SSD ( with Win 8 on it)
1 TB HD (for overall storage)

I was also told to disable Speedstep and C1E and all that Intel stuff, but since I don't really know about these things, I was not sure if I should do these.

Once again, thanks !
Thanks for the suggestions guys, but my Mobo doesnt have any Bios battery, lol. Now I stopped getting the WHEA error, but it is appearing the power surge thing again. Where in middle of something it shuts fown, restarts and tells me yhat asus anti surge has turned my pc off because of a possible power surge :S
I'm not very sure if it is really the psu that is defective D: