Random BSODs caused by nstokrnl (memory management etc)

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Deleted member 1587028

I've always had issues with BSOD's with this computer however the last 6 months or so I have had no issues.

I had a single crash 5 days ago, and then nothing until yesterday in which I had 3 crashes and a freeze. I also had another BSOD today. The erros are either Page fault in nonpaged area, memory management or system service exception. After the first 2 BDOS's and the freeze ( all within an hour or so) I thought temperatures might be an issue (which has been an issue before), so I gave my PC a good clean out and it was fine for 8 hours or so. It is worth noting these BSOD's usually happen when the PC is not under much stress, and the PC usually works fine when playing games ETC, leading me to doubt heat as an issue.

I have updated all the drivers I can think of, and now I am lost as for what to do.

I am currently testing my RAM with memtest 86+ (both sticks at the same time) however I have done this several times before and it has passed over 50 passes with 0 issues.

If you need any logs or dumps provided let me know and I will do so ASAP.

So what should I do?

This file is 7 yrs old amdiox64.sys. But I'm not too sure whats it's part of. It's AMD IO driver or something

If you use Itunes update it. This file GEARAspiWDM.sys is 5 yrs old

Uninstall or update Juniper Network Agent Virtual Adapter Manager. It's drivers are 8 yrs old

Looks like directx dxgmms2.sys is also crashing

Ok I have removed the IO driver, updated itunes and uninstalled Juniper.
Do you know any other VPN clients, because I needed to use that for my Uni work and it was fully up to date 🙁
I haven't removed directx yet as it is up to date, but I will see what happens now and get back to you.
When it froze I had a video open, messenger on the other half of the screen and OSRS on the other monitor. When it BSOD'd I was just signing back into OSRS and loading up my video