Random BSoDs ;.;


Dec 26, 2010
CPU: athlon x3 455
Mobo: m3a770de ASrock
RAM: PNY 2x4 gigs dd3 1333
PSU:Corsair GS600
OS: W7 64 bit
GPU: 5770 powercolor

Ive gotten 10 or so BSoDs since installing my cpu/hdd/psu to this new mobo.

what ive done so far.

Memtest 4 passes, no errors.
Repair windows
format, reinstall windows
Update bios and board drivers
update GPU drivers
change ram timing from 9-12-something-28 to 9-9-9-24

my gpu drivers failed 2 unspecified things, but said they were up 2 date when i tried again.

Im still getting BSoDs when Im browsing the internet, watching game streams, playing games, opening programs.

Anyone know why this is happening? :'(

Edit: the last error was "BAD POOL CALLER" caused by partmgr.sys, caused by address partmgr.sys+4a65