So over the course of the past 2-3 weeks I've replaced 2 components of my computer and added 1 SSD. I started with a GTX 660 card on a Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P board with a AMD FX 6300 CPU w/ stock fan, first I replaced the card with a MSI GTX 970 (which I obviously only had to disconnect the old card to install), and after doing that I was getting really good performance and really smooth framerates in my games, the problem was that the stock CPU fan got unreasonably loud for some reason (even when the temps weren't that high) so I ordered a CoolerMaster Hyper 612 Ver2 cooling rig. I continued the play games and whatever else for like a week till the new cooler arrived and I was getting consistently good performance. Then after the cooler came I disconnected everything from my mobo and took it out to install it, but after getting it installed and reconnecting everything I'm suddenly getting outright terrible performance in some games, massive drops in others, and just all around not the same performance I was getting before installing the new cooler. For example playing Black Ops 3 before I could get 60 fps with 0 drops on the max settings, now every match starts out at ~1-20fps for the first few minutes before it seems to calm down and hover closer to 60 (though still not the solid framerate I was getting before). GTA V I could play even on the 660 and I never noticed any stutters, but now they seem much more common. If anybody has any suggestions or ideas for what it could be, I'd really appreciate it. None of my temps exceed 60 according to SpeedFan even while playing the games.