Random FPS drops (Goes to that fps then immediately back to 60) from 60-57.


Mar 10, 2016
Title. I've ran ddu and uninstalled all drivers and installed latest one.

My specs:

CPU: AMD FX-8350 Black
GPU: R9 280X 3GB Black
RAM: 8GB Ram.
OS: Win10 Pro N.
PSU: 750W Corsair CXM Grey Label
Two HDDs: WD Green (Secondary) and Hitachi (Primary)

CrystalDisk checked both, they seem to be "Good."

I've checked temps, they're fine.

Side note: It seems to happen MUCH more frequently when on VSYNC. Could it be my monitor?

That "core unparking" thing. Is that safe or not?

Did some research first. Noticed it was a negligible difference. Other than that, the only thing I can think of is "Cool N Quiet" but I have no reason to disable that.
Try running Afterburner in the background.

Look at the readouts while you experience the frame drops. (Check CPU and GPU load etc.)

Might give you a clue as to what is happening while it drops and what was the culprit.

Assuming that is no help, then try slightly lowering a few graphics settings and see if that fixes it. Good luck.

Unparked all my CPU cores. Going to try a game real quick.

Unparked my cores and that seems to have worked actually.

Thanks for helping! <3