Random FPS drops.


Dec 17, 2013
I get random fps drops in pretty much every demanding game, I'll go from 60 to 30 at what feels like completely random times, it seems to happen a lot when I die and reload a save/respawn.

Some games this occurs in:

Titanfall, BF4, Crysis 2/3, Skyrim (With ENB and high res textures), Witcher 2.

Here's my spec:

EVGA 780ti

i7 4770k


Corsair H100i

Built it my self, so it's possible I fucked up somewhere down the line.

Any idea why this is happening?

I would take a look at your "task manager" (right click on the task bar -> task manager) and see if you have any processes (in the processes tab) that are randomly using a large amount of CPU - this could be a good sign of interruptions during you game play.
I've also seen on these forums where someone was having similar issues, and they completely removed their video drivers using DDU (http://www.guru3d.com/files_details/display_driver_uninstaller_download.html) and re-installed the most up to date ones and that solved their problem.
You didn't mess up while building the PC or it wouldn't work at all.

I run crysis 3 with V-sync and if it doesn't reach 60 fps it doesn't drop it down to 30. Same with Far Cry 3.

Ok maybe i'm wrong. I thought that was how it worked with vsync.

I think that's called adaptive Vsync. Nonetheless, you should try playing around with your in-game settings and see if you can find a setting that helps with your problem when enabled/disabled.

So i did some reading to re-fresh my knowledge, and it could be the difference between AMD and Nvidia. Nvidia now has adaptive vsync which turns off bellow 60 fps for example, so maybe AMD was already doing this?
But what I think is more likely the situation is because of triple-buffering (explained well here: http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=358751) which allows for frames to be refreshed more often than the 30 fps. When playing games with my AMD and v-sync turned ON - there are many times i drop bellow 60 fps, but never see screen tearing on most games. But this would explain why when playing World of Warplanes, my FPS would show 55 but my screen looked like it was only getting 30 (i could see choppiness). This game may not support triple-buffering.