Random military qiestion.

I need to know at what military rank will the officer start having their own living quarter. Since I am not in the military, I need someone in the military to give me a definite answer.
I think it is lieutenant when i was in the Army that is what it was .Why the question?
It's just that some young people are really sensitive nowadays. They are so fuzz about their private space that they absolutely refuse to share accommodation with another person let alone a group of stranger.

I see that as a problem for encouraging people into military service.

So one lead to another, I am interested at what rank will an officer get their private quarter.

BTW, that young person is not me. I am not interested to join the military and I don't mind sharing accommodation.

Depends entirely on the branch, posting, availability of facilities, & command policies. You seem to be missing the point that it can and will vary from service to service, and assignment to assignment. In the Navy however, Lt. Cmdr and above will rate single quarters at all shore facilities, and most surface vessels, unless (like a Submarine) there just aren't the facilities.

When you say lieutenant, to which branch are you referring? It's not the same rank in all the branches

Then they'd have a hell of a time in boot camp where the entire company is housed in a single open barrack. If they're that hung up on their "personal space" then they have no business in the military.
This is true. However, the question is appropriate for both "O div." and "Raghats". One does not rate personal quarters until one has attained a very high level of seniority. Heck, even the COB (Chief of the Boat), the most senior enlisted on board a Submarine, doesn't rate his own stateroom. He bunks with the rest of the chiefs.
When you are in combat you have no option where to share your privacy this i know from a fact in the war. You just want to survive with your other partners in your platoon.This question is dumb to say the least. We all bleed the same.

Get married so you can live off base and keep your guns. 😀