Question Random PC shut downs

Apr 2, 2019
Alright so I started experiencing random PC shutdowns while gaming, first I thought it was the PSU but it kept happening. I woke up today and saw my motherboard LEDs were off I had to take out at battery and put a new one in and it still shuts off I also replaced the PSU to the Corsair listed below it continues to happen
Any ideas
My build is: ryzen 1500 quad core
Corsair cx 650 watts psu (new)
Radeon rx 570 8gb (fairly new)
2x8gb Corsair 3000 mhz(new) and 2x4gb ram 2100 mhz(idk the brand)
Samsung 1tb ssd
Asus prime b350+
Any help would be appreciated
Unsure if making a new build would be easier
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Also I forgot to add that to not instant shutdowns sometimes it's like 6 hours sometimes it's 5 minutes kinda random and it's not everyday I'll still try removing the slower ram to see what happens just wanted to give some more insight