
May 19, 2018
OS: Windows 11
CPU: AMD ryzen 7 5800x
GPU: Geforce RTX 3070ti 8gb
motherboard : Gigabyte B550 Aorus elite v2
32gb system RAM
PSU: EVGA 750W 80+ Platinum
Cooler: EVGA AIO 280x140mm
SSD: Samsung 980 nvme 1Tb
SSD: Samsung 850 EVO M.2 500gb
HDD: Western Digital 1TB HDD
Monitor: Samsung Odyssey G7 (4k)

Hi everyone! Apologies for the long post, but I wanted to gather as much data as possible before reaching out to the community here.

I have been experiencing random PC shutdowns and have done a ton of troubleshooting and not sure where else to look for help.

History: I primarily use my PC for gaming and have recently been playing Diablo 4. I have never experienced random shutdowns prior to 2-3 weeks ago when the game released. Since I have purchased a 4k monitor (about a year ago) I do tend to play games at 4k, but utilizing DLSS 2 upscaling to reduce some system load.

I haven’t added any new components or peripherals in over a year. All shutdown-specific issues seemingly began after Diablo 4. I am willing to accept that there may have been underlying issues, but the system wasn’t put under enough load for them to be noticeable in the past.

**In the past I have noticed odd graphical issues across all games. It generally shows up as odd textures or flickering, usually something related to shadows or specific textures in-game. I chalked this up to “driver issues” or “settings issues”, but I’d be curious if these were all signs of a possible GPU failure….

Current Issue(s): I now have a grand total of 3 (seemingly) random shutdowns mid-game. Twice during Diablo sessions and once during a Hearthstone session.

During the D4 sessions, I noticed some issues with stuttering/framerate and slightly odd graphical issues (no artifacting, excess pixelations, or other signs of major GPU failure) prior to the shutdowns. I would almost describe this as excessive “motion blur” - barely noticeable, but I assume correlated to the issue. Since installing the game I’ve also noticed my monitor going “in and out”, almost like a loose cable. I have ensured to check all cable connections (most of them are new and likely aren’t faulty, but it’s possible). The monitor issue happens frequently playing D4 and now I’m noticing it with other games.

No other programs were running in the background aside from Discord. The computer just completely shut down as if someone ripped the power plug out of the wall. No blue screen, no errors, just a complete shutdown. After this happened twice, I started measuring metrics via MSI Afterburner and HWinfo. I noted that the power draw on my GPU was exceptionally high (290-300w @ 4k gaming) and close to 100% usage. I turned this down to 2k, as well as some of the textures to reduce the load. This seemed to help, until I experienced the 3rd crash while playing Hearthstone (very low GPU/CPU intensive game).

I just checked the Event Viewer (I didn’t know this was a feature) and I’ve found numerous “Kernel-Power 41” events (54 events) over the last six months. Three of these events line up almost exactly with the crashes.

Attempted fixes: Turned down textures & resolution to 2k
Checked cable connections
Monitored power usage
Monitored temperatures (both GPU and CPU temps are WELL within normal ranges, rarely going over 60C)
Logged info with HWinfo (no logs during the crashes, of course) and can share logs if requested
Updated all GPU, Chipset drivers
Updated MoBo BIOS
Did NOT reinstall the games/Windows 11 (yet).

Conclusions (?): I feel like I’ve taken a reasonable approach to resolving this on my own, but I have no clue where to go from here. The one other thing I noticed is that my PSU was on “eco” mode, which I have now shut off.

I don’t suspect any cooling issues. I’m concerned that I’m either hitting a power draw threshold or….there’s some sort of hardware failure (motherboard?). If I can’t find a resolution here I plan to take the PC to my local MicroCenter and have them look at it.

Thanks in advance for the help!
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Did you try and power the system with a donor PSU that has more wattage than is necessary for your platform? A random shutdown can be one of two things;
1| overheating issue
2| PSU can't deliver the power on demand(or is also overheating)


May 19, 2018
Did you try and power the system with a donor PSU that has more wattage than is necessary for your platform? A random shutdown can be one of two things;
1| overheating issue
2| PSU can't deliver the power on demand(or is also overheating)
I have not, as I don't know anyone who lives nearby that could donate one. I plan to pick up a new PSU and see if that resolves the issue. I'd be surprised if this is the first time my PC is running into power draw issues as I've run other graphically intense games on higher settings in the past, but it's worth a shot.

I'm not willing to rule anything out as I know programs/components can be finnicky.