Random programs appearing in my documents



I have been getting random programs appearing in all the folders in my documents for a while now. I have not run any of them because I don't know what they are and I don't want to. I want to get rid of them but when I delete them a different one appears then next time I open that folder again.
Here are a few examples of what they are called:

Make Windows Original



Another problem that began happening with the one above is that every folder I go in, for example if I am in My Pictures, then inside My Pictures there will be another My Pictures folder which just leads to the same thing. This wasn't there before and if I delete it then it appears again the next time I enter that folder again.

I'm not sure if these two problems are related but I think they are as they started happening at the same time.

Please help me, I really want to get rid of them!

Thank you.
could be malware or a virus. i would start by running malware byte and check to see if your anti virus is old or out of date..avast and avge and microsoft give out free version of there new anti virus...if you go that rute rember to remove all your old anti virus software first.