Random rebooting issue


Dec 17, 2013
After running my homemade system for about a year, my computer is starting to randomly rebooting. Sometimes it's multiple times a day and sometimes there is a 3-4 days "break". All temps are fine and memtest found no errors. I suspect it's the PSU not powering optimal for a sec or two and then reboots for security reasons? Also the PSU is the only component I did use from my old setup.

Any suggestions for testing the PSU? I don't have access to another PSU to test 🙁
try disabling the lower power states for the cpu in bios. it maybe that your aging psu has to much ripple for your newer system.
the voltage ripple can increase with the age of the psu, so when the cpu drops into a power saving state thats beond what the psu can now deliver smoothly you end up with a reboot.
if this works then it means you will need a new psu.
try disabling the lower power states for the cpu in bios. it maybe that your aging psu has to much ripple for your newer system.
the voltage ripple can increase with the age of the psu, so when the cpu drops into a power saving state thats beond what the psu can now deliver smoothly you end up with a reboot.
if this works then it means you will need a new psu.

I will try the following, and many thanks for the reply! :)

This did the trick! Many thanks for your expertise mate! :)