Random reboots with no Event Viewer print

Sep 15, 2018

This started a few months ago, but I started getting very infrequent reboots with no warning or other issues. First off:

Ryzen 7 1700
16GB RAM (it's one physical 16GB stick that reports as two 8GB for some reason)
Windows 10
GTX 1060

NO OVERCLOCKING: Factory defaults on GPU & CPU & RAM.
DXDIAG: https://puu.sh/Bvjyo/b2fd7e8449.txt
WHOCRASHED: No dump files to analyze.
CRYSTALDISK: Both drives are healthy.
SFC /SCANNOW: No issues found.
BIOS: Up to date (as far as I know).
COMPUTER WAS BOUGHT: Last October, fresh from Dell.
TEMPERATURES: All low and stable.
NOW RUNNING ON: Fresh, clean install of graphics drivers via safe mode.
ANTI-VIRUS, MALWARE, ETC.: Full sweeps were done, including CCleaner.
MEMTEST: 4 passes, no issues.

Now, the thing is, these random reboots don't leave any kind of print on my system. There's no Event Viewer error to speak of, and no other issues with the computer. These used to be fairly infrequent (once every other month) but recently became a bit more frequent (once every other week, sometimes, once every other day if unlucky).

There doesn't seem to be any common cause for the reboots, either. Sometimes they'll happen overnight, other times, while I'm watching a video or working with Excel or just browsing the internet. The screens just go dark for a few seconds, and then reboot, as if power had flickered or been lost.

I'd like to know what to do to start diagnosing this.
I bought this computer a year ago, so hypothetically everything in it should still be relatively new.

My BIOS is, to the best of my knowledge, up to date. The Dell website had nothing to offer me for it when I checked earlier. Are there any extra tools or utilities I should run to help diagnose this and give you guys the info you need to work?

I would install this piece of software it might give you an idea on what is going wrong http://www.resplendence.com/whocrashed

I would also try doing a fresh GPU install of drivers as instructed as it could be GPU related
GRAPHICS Driver problems
Download the latest drivers for your GPU place them on your desktop get Display Driver Uninstaller from here
remove everything after restarting it will probably be 640x480 not great instal your AMD/NVIDIA drivers and hopefully should fix your problem

I already have whocrashed installed, and it doesn't even acknowledge that the system went down at all, so whatever happened didn't prompt a dump file of any kind. I'll try a fresh/clean install of my graphics drivers.
Several reboots later and I have a fresh clean set of graphics drivers. However, I'd still like to keep doing diagnostics in case the issue is something else, so what else should I look at?
I've already done a full sweep with CCCleaner, Avast and Malwarebytes, yep. Sadly, no issues were found, and the problem persisted afterwards (that was last week). So far I haven't had the issue happen since the fresh graphics drivers install, but I'd rather keep poking at potential sources for this problem than wait a week for it to happen again so I can keep looking.