Random Restarts: Critical Kernel-Power, Event ID 41, Task 63 but not in safe mode

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Apr 22, 2015
My computer got messeager critical kernelpower event id 41 task 63
My computer restart itself if i use it without charger on normal mode on botting screenit will restart.
if i using charger it will used a little longer ang restart again.
but if i using safe mode and without charger it not restart att all i wait 4 haour it not restart at all
Go to Power options in control panel turn everything to never turn off, also check advance settings.

Also if you are using Win 8 un-tick fast boot could be why its taking 4 hours in safe mode.. Don't ask why just a felling. Let us know what happens.

Also check you laptop does not have it's own power options setting just select thing to stay on for now.
One solution I found is to go into the bios settings and make sure that the ram frequency is correct. I think it should be under dram frequency in the bios. It should say on your ram what it's frequency is. Hope this helps
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