Greetings all,
So my computer started randomly restarting itself some time last week. This happened only two times then seemed to stabilize and go away. This issue occurred last week after a windows update was completed. And I had also made some variable changes to the system to get more performance out of it. I used an Unpark tool and CPU speed manager to unpark all parked cores as well as designate the CPU speed to go 95% and retain a solid 3.162GHZ speed. Prior to these changes I had no issues.
Perhaps I got a little too ambitious. Error Event Log showed the Errors being Windows event 7001. Which could be a power supply issue, overheating and a number of things I have sourced online. Checking many posts here I have been able to gather some things I will be doing and listing them here that I will try.
Checking temps, power voltage, ram etc came up fruitless so I was hoping the issue would potentially not get worse before I could pin point the exact cause. Last night however, things suddenly got much worse. I had yet to tick off Windows Restart Upon Error when the computer began a restart. This time, it would cycle past the BIOS and instantly restart before windows started booting. It was a vicious cycle that I let continue on for about 5 minutes. My system typically reboots in less than a minute.
So, thinking this issue was potentially reserved only for Windows, I booted to the BIOS (AI). I'll give all of the information on the BIOS and system specs here shortly. In the BIOS I noticed two things that somewhat bothered me. The CPU temp seemed to clime, which was not normal to around 59c which is much higher than I have ever seen it. Usually its around 39c. And two of the fans RPM's were showing as Red Bars fluctuating in speeds of 500-599 rpm's.
I think now would be a good time to list out those computer specs. I built this computer myself so it is not a manufactured "warrantied" desktop computer.
ASUS x79 Sabertooth - 2011 Chipset
Intel i7-3930k 3.2ghz
Intel 330 Series SSD (120GB) (I have 22GB free space currently, small I know)
Corsair Vengeance 8GB x 2 (16GB) Ram
ATI Radeon 5770 HD Graphics, 1024GB DDR5 (I know it's out dated!)
BIOS is the AI Suite from ASUS v2003 I believe (I will be updating this using flash)
I am dedicating my time today to getting my issue resolved hopefully. I do have an ISO of windows 7 but I would like to try and determine if this is a faulty hardware issue prior to reformatting windows. I'd greatly appreciate feedback and am willing to try to do any steps necessary to procure additional information for anyone willing to help me.
I appreciate this site for resource information and it seems there are some very helpful people here. Hence, the reason I am posting. Thanks ahead of time for any assistance provided..
For now, I am now going to try t do the following:
-Safely open and clean out the computer, check hardware, cables, connections etc.
-Flash the BIOS to the latest version .CAP
-Disable Windows Automatic Restart
-Post any Error Events encountered
-Should windows run stable, try to install and run "Memtest86" (unless you have other recommendations)
-Run Core Temps
I will be checking back here shortly. I will post any updated progress.
Many Thanks,
So my computer started randomly restarting itself some time last week. This happened only two times then seemed to stabilize and go away. This issue occurred last week after a windows update was completed. And I had also made some variable changes to the system to get more performance out of it. I used an Unpark tool and CPU speed manager to unpark all parked cores as well as designate the CPU speed to go 95% and retain a solid 3.162GHZ speed. Prior to these changes I had no issues.
Perhaps I got a little too ambitious. Error Event Log showed the Errors being Windows event 7001. Which could be a power supply issue, overheating and a number of things I have sourced online. Checking many posts here I have been able to gather some things I will be doing and listing them here that I will try.
Checking temps, power voltage, ram etc came up fruitless so I was hoping the issue would potentially not get worse before I could pin point the exact cause. Last night however, things suddenly got much worse. I had yet to tick off Windows Restart Upon Error when the computer began a restart. This time, it would cycle past the BIOS and instantly restart before windows started booting. It was a vicious cycle that I let continue on for about 5 minutes. My system typically reboots in less than a minute.
So, thinking this issue was potentially reserved only for Windows, I booted to the BIOS (AI). I'll give all of the information on the BIOS and system specs here shortly. In the BIOS I noticed two things that somewhat bothered me. The CPU temp seemed to clime, which was not normal to around 59c which is much higher than I have ever seen it. Usually its around 39c. And two of the fans RPM's were showing as Red Bars fluctuating in speeds of 500-599 rpm's.
I think now would be a good time to list out those computer specs. I built this computer myself so it is not a manufactured "warrantied" desktop computer.
ASUS x79 Sabertooth - 2011 Chipset
Intel i7-3930k 3.2ghz
Intel 330 Series SSD (120GB) (I have 22GB free space currently, small I know)
Corsair Vengeance 8GB x 2 (16GB) Ram
ATI Radeon 5770 HD Graphics, 1024GB DDR5 (I know it's out dated!)
BIOS is the AI Suite from ASUS v2003 I believe (I will be updating this using flash)
I am dedicating my time today to getting my issue resolved hopefully. I do have an ISO of windows 7 but I would like to try and determine if this is a faulty hardware issue prior to reformatting windows. I'd greatly appreciate feedback and am willing to try to do any steps necessary to procure additional information for anyone willing to help me.
I appreciate this site for resource information and it seems there are some very helpful people here. Hence, the reason I am posting. Thanks ahead of time for any assistance provided..
For now, I am now going to try t do the following:
-Safely open and clean out the computer, check hardware, cables, connections etc.
-Flash the BIOS to the latest version .CAP
-Disable Windows Automatic Restart
-Post any Error Events encountered
-Should windows run stable, try to install and run "Memtest86" (unless you have other recommendations)
-Run Core Temps
I will be checking back here shortly. I will post any updated progress.
Many Thanks,