Random restarts without warning


Oct 31, 2014
Hey everybody!
I am lost and can't figure out why my computer does this. Hoping you awesome guys can help me out. So the most accurate info I have, is that the computer just restarts without warning. I don't get a "Restarting" screen or anything. The computer just shuts down, and then starts up again immediately. This happens almost once a day. 4 out of 7 days I would say.

My rig:
Asus maximus VII gene
Intel i7 4790K
Corsair RM750
Corsair Vengeance Pro DDR3 2400Mhz 2x8GB
Kingston SSD Now V300 240GB
Seagate Barracuda 3TB
MSI Geforce GTX 980

If someone can help me figure this out, I would be soo grateful, since this is really bugging me.
Yeah, i have steady temps at 60 on cpu. But gpu2 on afterburner seems to stay at 80.
Also i have a program called PC-doctor, this says: The "Unknown" driver \system32\drivers\hiber_iastora.sys) appears to have caused a system crash. But this message does not show at every shutdown
No, was thinking the same thing. But it is also as you probably guessed, a mATX case. The BitFenix Prodigy M. I think it gets really was because of the way the GPU sucks air from the top. Fan at the bottom also sucks from the bottom, then it has push/pull through a radiator at the back

That driver operates during hibernation mode, to access the HDD (perhaps to write a dump file of the crash).

Did you have checked the dump files? It may provide additional information to make a correct diagnosis. I'm also curious about your air-flow. The GPU draws air from the upper side, the fan at the bottom sucks from the bottom side. Then the air flows to the rear side through the rear side fan. Correct?

Hmm, but I do not get this error everytime it seems.
No I have not checked the dump files, where would I find these?
Yes you are correct about the air flow. And on a side note, the case setup is putting the PSU at the front of the case horizontally. So it basically blocks any air coming in or out from the front.

You can use tools for that like "bluescreenview" from NirSoft. That tool is standalone and will check for the memory dump files itself when you launch it. Link: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/blue_screen_view.html This gives you an overview of the stack and the cause of the crash.

Or for more in depth analysis: WinDbg. But that requires an installation of a tool. Link: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/windows-driver-kit. You don't have to install the whole package. Just scroll down to "Get debugging tools". This tool needs some installation and configuration steps to be performed. For that, I have looked for a tutorial and found one with images: WinDbg install & configure on tenforms.com.

Can you check if the rear fan is blowing the air out the case? If it doesn't then both the 3 sides are sucking air in which is not good.

Dump File : 103016-9500-01.dmp
Crash Time : 30/10/2016 03:32:28
Bug Check Code : 0x0000000a
Parameter 1 : ffffbe8e`79283530
Parameter 2 : 00000000`000000ff
Parameter 3 : 00000000`00000000
Parameter 4 : fffff800`18265c48
Caused By Driver : hiber_iaStorA.sys
Caused By Address : hiber_iaStorA.sys+5fa25
File Description :
Product Name :
Company :
File Version :
Processor : x64
Crash Address : ntoskrnl.exe+14a3b0
Stack Address 1 :
Stack Address 2 :
Stack Address 3 :
Computer Name :
Full Path : C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\103016-9500-01.dmp
Processors Count : 8
Major Version : 15
Minor Version : 14393
Dump File Size : 105,984
Dump File Time : 30/10/2016 18:50:52

This is from bluescreenview, only took the last dmp file it saved. It was a few though.

But the fan in the back is through a radiator, with fans on each side. And they are pulling air out of the case

I tried to update that and going to test it out for a few days. Feeling optimistical!
But it wouldn't be the PSU by any chance? I hope not, Just trying to cover all the angles.
Still got a crash today, this time PC-Doctor said the fault application was corsair link, last time it sais it was some MSI app, deleted those and we will investigate further. Anyone have more ideas?