Random Shut Downs while gaming


May 6, 2012
Okay, so I built my PC last summer and had some issues mostly involving a graphics card. RMA'd it and then fixed the other issues that I had. Now I am having issues that I have no idea how to fix.
Basically, in any game, even non-demanding ones, my pc will just quit responding. It won't shut down, but I have to do a hard reboot after this happens. I have no overheating issues, with the GPU or the CPU. When this first started happening I cleaned out my PC and it seemed to fix it, but now its having the issues again. It happened in TF2, Half Life and even Titan Attacks. I did RAM diagnostics, no issues. Sometimes when this happens I will go to restart and my motherboard beeps. Its one long beep then 3 short ones. My motherboard is an Asus p8z77-v so this would be a GPU issue. So could this be a power supply issue? Or if it is a GPU issue what could it be? I tried to figure this out but I don't exactly have spare money to get parts to test out each one on. And none of my friends have a PC that could support my parts.
Also, one of the shut downs resulted in a grey stripey screen, which is apparently a common thing with AMD cards. My GPU is an AMD Radeon 7850 (gigabyte model). I havent OC'd any of my parts aswell.

Specs are
Asus P8Z77-v Lk motherboard
AMD Radeon 7850 Gigabyte OC model
Corsair Bronze Certified 750 w power supply
Intel i5-2500 processor
8 gb of corsair vengance ddr3 ram
Corsair Force SSD 115gb
Western Digital Caviar Blue 500gb HDD

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
I once had issues on PC turning off when I was gaming as well I found out it was due to my voltage on my RAM wasn't set correctly not sure if this is the same problem your having but you might wanna check your MOBO and RAM configuration on voltage settings
These kinds of issues can be pretty hard to track down as it could be caused by any number of components acting up on their own or sometimes with other parts. When did this start showing up? Can you remember whether you did anything to your computer e.g. opened it up even just for cleaning or installed new software?

Also does anything else occur when the computer crashes?

no, usually nothing else besides what I mentioned happens. One time the crash resulted in a grey striped screen which apparently happens with AMD GPU's. I am having no Ram issues, my hard drives are working fine. And cleaning it hasnt helped. The more I think about the more I want to change the card into a new mobo slot. Or maybe even change pci cables from the power supply. Could that possibly do anything?