Random Shutdowns Occuring


Jan 16, 2018
Hey guys,

So I built my computer a couple of months ago and I have stability issues. Most of the time during 3-4 hour gaming periods, the game will crash and my computer would restart. I mainly play fortnite, so most of crashes have happened while playing fortnite but in the past I noticed that I would crash playing other games like deciet. Also I would crash within an hour sometimes but most of the time its within that 3-4 hour range. I'm thinking it might be my RAM but I would like other input. I have my cpu clocked to 3.8 Ghz, my GPU clocked +75 mhz on the core and +135 on the memory, and I have XMP applied but lowered my speed to 2666mhz as it wasn't stable on 3200 mhz. Temperatures are very good and my components are mostly dust free.

PC Specs:
Ryzen 7 1700x
ASUS x370 Prime-Pro
MSI Titanium 1070 TI
850 Samsung Evo Pro 500 GB (os on here)
Samsung Spinpoint F1 1TB
G.Skill 8x2 GB (F4-3200C14D-16GTZ)
Seasonic Focus 750 Watt