I built a new PC this Christmas, and after playing Far Cry 3 for about 30 Minutes, it started to randomly stutter. I closed Far Cry and attempted Skyrim, which had a similar issue; I would swing my characters sword and it would skip some frames. It makes most games unplayable, and the only fix I have found is to restart my PC entirely.
CPU: Core i7-4770K
GPU: EVGA GTX 780 (the non-reference cooler one)
RAM: G.Skill 8GB DDR3
CPU Cooler: CoolerMaster Hyper212 +
CPU: Core i7-4770K
GPU: EVGA GTX 780 (the non-reference cooler one)
RAM: G.Skill 8GB DDR3
CPU Cooler: CoolerMaster Hyper212 +