I'm running a desktop PC through a PCIE wifi card. The PC is upstairs from the modem/router. Randomly about a week ago, I started getting really bad lag/packet loss in games, before this day everything was 100% smooth and I was getting around 90% of the download/upload speeds that my roommate got on a direct connection. It will be fine for a while and then randomly spike for a second, and then go back down. My roommate, who is farther from the access point and using a laptop, has no connection issues. I instantly assumed it was my crappy wifi card (I had the same one die out on me last year), and so I went out and bought a really nice Intel one with an extended antenna. The problem persists after the installation.
What it looks like when I ping my router: https://gyazo.com/c208f4ba903e8b9acd43a226646d2b51
For reference, my roommate stays at a constant 2ms +-1ms connection on wifi, farther from the point.
I'm completely at a loss. I don't see anything that could be causing an interference, and nothing changed since the problem started (the only possibility I could think of is potentially a forced Windows update when I wasn't looking).
Any suggestions would be wonderful!
What it looks like when I ping my router: https://gyazo.com/c208f4ba903e8b9acd43a226646d2b51
For reference, my roommate stays at a constant 2ms +-1ms connection on wifi, farther from the point.
I'm completely at a loss. I don't see anything that could be causing an interference, and nothing changed since the problem started (the only possibility I could think of is potentially a forced Windows update when I wasn't looking).
Any suggestions would be wonderful!