News Raspberry Pi 4 Finally Gets Official RetroPie Emulator Support With New Beta

Dang. I literally installed Lakka on my Pi4 yesterday, and spent most of the night getting frustrated with the lack of easy information about how to configure N64 cores or what the settings do. And then more frustrated when I couldn't find a way to reset the cores to default after I broke them, how to configure a core that crashes because the settings are only shown when it's running... or what the default settings were supposed to be in the first place.
I might have to write off yesterday's work and redo everything in Retro Pie, just to be in an ecosystem that vaguely aligns with what all the outdated pi3 emulation optimization tutorials are talking about.
Or I can just figure out how to use Lakka, but so far I haven't even been able to figure out if there's a way to change between graphics plugins, or even which one is being used by Mupen64plus and/or the other Mupen64plus - or in parallel-64 (which Lakka's documentation mostly just tells me also used to be called Mupen64plus).