Every publicly traded company has exactly one goal: Make all the profit in the world, no matter what.
So what is the next big thing for the FOSS community to support? It's only a short matter of time before a John Riccitiello or Bobby Kotick type (or maybe the real deal, they're both available) seizes control of the company and ruins everything for every developer, forever. Things move fast now, UnityTechnology was only public for 3 years before their products became completely untouchable for all developers - and Unity wasn't ever marketed for FOSS. Raspberry Pi is donezo, and we can't live in denial about it forever.
There's no point in waiting around for the inevitable AI app store where they hoover up free passion projects, launder them through an LLM, and start selling them back to us. Or maybe they'll start charging us per OS or app install, or maybe they'll lock GPIO functionality behind a subscription service.
I don't know what a lootbox, battlepass, or even really "hardware as a service" looks like in the context of a Raspberry Pi, but we will eventually find out... Their leadership will have the fiduciary responsibility to consider every possibility, and implement every single thing they think might boost the bottom line.
It's healthier to make our escape plan now, before the situation gets pathetic.