News Raspberry Pi Pico Lamp Sets The Mood Using ChatGPT

Interesting concept.

For Temp and humid, it appears that the DHT11 module has a problem with reading pulses correctly when executing code written in lib (library). It was expected though.

Due to ADC read timing for sure. Anyway, it's better we directly call DHT11 module and use it in the main file.

# Class Init
dht_sensor = dht.DHT11(Pin(11))
# Measure Temp& Hum
temperature = dht_sensor.temperature()
humidity = dht_sensor.humidity()

Although I'm not using Pico bricks module, I had to input the GPIO values in the initialization function though.

from picobricks_utils import picobricks_neopixel as _PB_neopixel
PB_neopixel= _PB_neopixel(neopixel_pin= 6)