Rate Your Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

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we paying 2200 Pakistani Rupees including tax and other things which is $22 in usd for 4 megabit per second and up speed 2 megabit per second a month and now in pakistani ptcl have started 100 megabit per secoend which is for 28000 pkr without taxs which is $280
If you want cheap 1-10Gbps internet...go to Japan lol They had 1Gbps for ~20$US years ago, way before we even hear about it here.
That's 1Gbps both ways, up and down. In Canada, we can't have over 30Mbps upload without business optic fiber priced unreasonably.
Do you think Pakistan has better isp because you can get google fibre for $60 and there is only one isp in whole pakistan yeah there are isps available but there are very limited like 1mbps down speed and they only cover like about max 20 streets

HAAHHAHHA your joking right?
The best we can get is 11mbps down and .768mbps upload ( tops out at 630mbps on good days if it doesn't crash the connection.. and we pay $70 per month for this privilege.

Unless we want to upgrade to business class for 22mbps down and 2mbps upload for $200 a month.

Windstream is my only option.
Nothing else is available in my area because of monopoly contracts dating back to 1976 when it was Alltel phone service, which Windstream bought out.

This all proves that internet needs to improve. Cox in the midwest makes 100% profit off their internet service, they only pay for their cable tv contracts. Whenever roadwork is done in my city, they lay new fiber. I feel like Cox could have set up cheap fiber years ago!
I pay $99/month for 150mb up and 10mb down. Brighthouse central Florida. It seems that every other time that they bring out a new speed tier they completely overprice it. They want $199/month for 300mb down and 15mb up. I'm trying it out now on a promo and let me tell you, it will be going right back once the three months are over. I download Terabytes of files all the time and I still can't justify the price for the barely conceivable difference. Moving to Austin TX soon and will definitely chose my house based on the availability of Google fiber. If they don't have it I will not be renting/buying there.
1.8 Mbps down, something like 15k up. Only isp I can get. I live 5 freaking miles from the city limits. It's made all the difference.
After reading a few people getting 1gb connections for like $50, i feel like i'm getting ripped off. I pay $55 for 100mb cable in WV from Suddenlink. Other options include about the same from another cable provider, CAS... or 24mb VDSL from Frontier at $50.... which is ... the worst. However, I would much rather pay $55 for a 100mb connection than $50 for a language VDSL line.
I get 28Mbps down and 5Mbps up with AT&T U-Verse for $70. It's a little slower than Comcast, but the speed is constant (no evening slowdown) and reliability and support are much better.
I've had Verizon FIOS 25/25 for my ISP for about 6+ years now and pay about $85 a month before fees and taxes. I've only had a few outages over that time and never more than an hour. I could get cable internet that is faster and for cheaper but it is extremely unreliable and although you pay for higher speed, their customers rarely even get close to actually getting it. I'm not a big fan of Verizon, but FIOS is pretty rock solid.
The super-fast super cheap plans you see talked about are because places like Korea and Japan have very dense housing that was built very recently.

Given that the last mile is a major part of ISPs' costs and speed goes down fast with distance, it's not surprising that they can offer it cheaper. They can just run cat6 from a fibre-backhauled switch in the basement of each building, and get gigabit to a few dozen customers. Compare this to kilometers of phone line or coax and having to weatherproof gear...
in our country pakistan whenever there is heavy rain or normal rain the light is gone as usually and after when the light comes internet stops working one we have adsla telephone line comes from pole and then have a splitter which have 2 telephone ports one for router and one for phon
Third world country, or so considered, (or at lest second world country, which is stupid i know but hey, this is how they see us like ), Romania, and i do have the gigabit connection from my isp RCS & RDS. Of course, i cant actually use the speed since most servers out there from witch you get your content dosen't really support this kind of speed yet but some times...just some times i do get a larger torrent with speed from 60mb up to 98mb ( real mb already divided by 8, not the numbers or figures found on the brochure ). I got this files once, 50GB total, and at about 60% i reached about 90 mb sustained speed up until the end of the download ( again, the real mb already divided by 8) . Of cource i can't ever reach this kind of speed on smaller files since the time required to download the file is to small that i never evan get the chance to connect to all the seeds/pears. So by the time i reach 20-25mb the file is already downloaded. But on larger files the download actually has a chance to connect to more seeds/pears and reach higher speeds, like 90 some MB. Other than this perk...this kind of speed is highly over rated since like i said at the beginning of this post, most servers out there from which you get most of your content, dosent really supports these kind of speeds yet. Before the gigabit connection i had 300mb speed for about 7 years ( this number is not divided by 8, so the real speed would be about 35mb ?), same provider. From my perspective, because of the limitations that most world wide server have, i see no huge difference. And trust me, neither will you. So unless you need to download large files with multiple connections per download ( say like a huge torrent ) you're not gone be so impressed.
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