I am asking because i have very conflicting results in the games i have played.
In Cyberpunk, i can run RT at max settings and psycho (so, everything maxed) - also DLSS and frame generation ... at roughly 100 FPS
In Control, i can turn everything on max with RT and get around 90-100 FPS i think
In Forza Horizon i can do RT and max settings and get around 80 or so? or maybe more .. its fluid...
The outlayer is Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries. For one, i can hardly spot a difference to non RT .. but i run the game at max settings without RT .. at 165 FPS or more (165 is what the monitor can do) .. but once i enable RT .. i drop down to 15-17 FPS .. which really is a HUGE drop
(edit: forgot to write .. i did enable DLSS on Balanced as well as Quality in MW5 .. both show the same abysmal result. .. and i feel like the performance with the 4090 there is comparably poor as with the 2070 i had briefly before (not my GPU, just a test GPU))
I only have a 3700x CPU though .. so i thought, - maybe my CPU is bottle necking it
So tltr. - my GPU does great in pretty much every game ... with a tons of FPS .. except for MW5 ..
Or maybe Mechwarrior 5 is just poorly optimized for ray tracing. Like i said - hardly a difference visually ... but a huge drop in FPS.