Razer Blade, Can you Upgrade it?

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Aug 1, 2014
Hi guys, I have been looking at some gaming laptops and I figurative out that I wanted a razer blade. Which should I get the pro or the nomar. And my other question is, if it is Upgradable?
Between those two, if your mind is really set on one of those, I'd get the Razer Blade (not Pro). It's smaller, lighter, has a higher resolution screen (though you'll probably have to select a lower resolution when gaming), similar CPU (200Mhz less), better GPU and is cheaper. Half the amount of RAM (and most likely soldered), but 16GB is overkill anyway.

And I doubt that you can upgrade any of those machine much. SSD, yes. CPU, RAM, maybe. GPU, no way.

Hi, Dav I am still researching but I can´t find nothing. Which laptop would you recommend me to get? I am looking for gaming but a light weight laptop with a good design .
But if you don't plan on going anywhere with the laptop, and just intend to keep it in your house, I would build a custom gaming PC. You definitely have the budget to build a great rig that will play the latest games on max settings and still have some headroom for games still to come.
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