The internal thread of one the screws for my Razer Blade has totally been trashed, as one of the screws fell out near it, leaving that screw under more pressure, which over time broke the threading in the laptop.
I have discovered that the screw size is Torx 5 M2-3.5L, whatever that means, as I can't seem to find any for sale considering I need one.
I don't really know what I should do, as I will need to open the laptop in the future most probably.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have discovered that the screw size is Torx 5 M2-3.5L, whatever that means, as I can't seem to find any for sale considering I need one.
I don't really know what I should do, as I will need to open the laptop in the future most probably.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!