Razer Cortex Software Coming In September, Beta Available Now

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Competition is something I don't mind at all as a consumer. As long as it's good competition, and not something like EA's Origin! But from the looks of it, it could be great competition.
What competition? Razer isn't selling games. The program just shows you the info instead of having to go to each site.
And if the Boost works anything like in the AMD/Razer app, it's best not to use it.
I just don't understand why you would need a software running for this? The only useful feature over here I see myself using is the game deals, again there is already a service which offers exactly this without installing any app in the background.

Razer's game mode stuff are just crap, I used it and benchmarked, I see no difference 1-2 FPS more or less.

However, if this thing does Game DVR better as say AMD Gaming Evolved app i am using now for my R9 290, then I will use it.
I have Razer mouse and keyboard. Their hardware is great but their drivers/software is BAD. Not only it is very "in your face" (they feel need to always show you splash screen of razer driver starting on every windows startup - imagine if all 20 drivers decide to do that), it also can not work without being online, and on top of that it occasionally have problem with forgetting/mixing preferences for certain games.

So I guess I will be one to skip this Cortex thing, until they make their existing Razer Synapse software more professional.
To speed up loading times on mechanical hdd. I hope that the program will detect if you try defragging your ssd.

You don't defragmentation for mechanical HDDs for several years now, sure you can do, but performance difference is pretty much invisible.
To speed up loading times on mechanical hdd. I hope that the program will detect if you try defragging your ssd.

You don't defragmentation for mechanical HDDs for several years now, sure you can do, but performance difference is pretty much invisible.
What?? Pretty sure it still does a difference. A heavily fragmented hard drive will definitely feel slower than a freshly defraged one. Sure if your hard drive was like 5% fragmented, you won't notice a difference when you defrag it, but if for some reasons you haven't done it in years and it's now 50% fragmented, you will notice a big difference when defragging it.
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