Razer's new software is launching next month.
Razer Cortex Software Coming In September, Beta Available Now : Read more
Razer Cortex Software Coming In September, Beta Available Now : Read more
To speed up loading times on mechanical hdd. I hope that the program will detect if you try defragging your ssd.
What?? Pretty sure it still does a difference. A heavily fragmented hard drive will definitely feel slower than a freshly defraged one. Sure if your hard drive was like 5% fragmented, you won't notice a difference when you defrag it, but if for some reasons you haven't done it in years and it's now 50% fragmented, you will notice a big difference when defragging it.To speed up loading times on mechanical hdd. I hope that the program will detect if you try defragging your ssd.
You don't defragmentation for mechanical HDDs for several years now, sure you can do, but performance difference is pretty much invisible.