Razer Hydra Bundles Portal 2 for Motion Controls

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I want Portal 2 on the Wii, please. Or at least just the original.

Who cares about the graphics quality set on "low" when you can actually use the portal gun? A for orange, B for blue. Simple.
Junk. He actually said, "I don't know how you can do this with just a mouse and keyboard." .....wow. Don't take ignorance with you when demonstrating a new product.
Wow, this is perfect for people that serial buy everything... Just like that one chick that is no longer allowed to watch infomercials because she can't stop buying $50 junk kitchen appliances that you use once then it collects dust for years on end before finally thrown into the "goodwill" box...
This sort of thing is why I am convinced motion controls will never take off. There's too much imprecision, and there always will be -- it's the same reason not everyone can be a surgeon.
Doubt these controllers will sell well. The majority of Razer's customers are competitive gamers, or at the very least competitive gamer wannabes. And they will have no use for these. Almost exactly like their Switchblade (which I hope never leaves the concept phase). Cool, but doesn't target the majority of their customers.

Granted I support Razer trying to expand their market, but I don't have any faith that they will be able to do so.
I dont know about you guys, but I see a lot of delay. From the time he moves his hand to the time the picture moves with him seems a bit long.
A great product for FPS gaming as always razer makes.Good magnetic sensing,nice design,stand for placing and makes by razer.
Just not PS3 haves motion sense but now pc also.
Obviously i buying it.
The guy demonstrating it can't even keep from dropping the box. Why on earth would anybody be interested in something someone from the company can't even properly use?

Maybe when he said "I don't know how you could do this with a mouse" he meant he didn't know how someone using a mouse could drop the box so many damn times.
Considering the currency parity with 1E worth $1.45 for quite some time and never less than $1.30 for more than a few days a year, the above 1:1 price parity is a disgrace...
I would consider buying it if it enhanced gameplay but as someone said this seems to be a step backwards from mouse and keyboard. Or at least the mouse. I'm not a fan of the keyboard since it's not "analogue": i.e. you use WASD for moving about but you can't decide by how much, if you want to do it a bit slowly you have to tap it many times. Some kind of ball or joystick instead of WASD would be a lot better.
[citation][nom]ReggieRay[/nom]The wires look so thin it will probably break within a week.[/citation]
The cables are probably bad photoshops. There's no way that cable is so thin.
Great! I can spend $139 for something I'll only use for around 8 hours.

Portal 2 was over hyped. Cute, fun, but still tragically too short.

Plus, paying money for skins/items/poses in multiplayer? Wow. Sure, hook me up with a deluxe order of smurfberries while you're at it.
@nebun: such a lame game

obviously you're playing wow all day long. what a waste. try to use your brain once in a while, like in portal, mixed with fun(nes) all the way.
coop is a blast, but really short thou...
I'm all for trying out new innovative controls but as stated this is a step backwards from...well at least the mouse. The keyboard is not perfect in all fairness as you can only do 0-1's with keypresses. Try to walk slowly and you have to tap the key quickly. Would be much easier with some sort of ball/joystick/whatever instead of WASD.
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