Question Razer Nommo Pro how to disassemble speaker and control pod.


Oct 12, 2014
Can someone please tell me how to disassemble the speaker so I can replace the cable? And how to disassemble the control pod to clean the encoder? I couldn't find this procedure anywhere, thank you very much in advance.
You mean the small satellite speaker? If so, it looks like speaker's front plastic should come off;


Direct link if image doesn't load:


However, do note that it could be glued shut, whereby idea is, not to open it up at all. So, you could break the plastic completely off when trying to pry it open. Same goes to the control pod.
Best to contact Razer and ask them, since after all, they made it.
Doesn't have to be in your country. Just contact their international customer service.

E.g i don't have Corsair, NZXT, CableMod or Seasonic service centers in my country either, but that hasn't stopped me contacting them through proper channels, to, either: find answers to my questions or dealing with component RMA.