Razer Nostromo vs Razer Orbweaver vs G13

Which should I get?

  • Razer Nostromo

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Logitech G13

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Razer Orbweaver

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Apr 9, 2013
OK, so I need a game pad, like NEED one. I find that using a keyboard often puts lots of stress on my palm. My problem is choosing the right one. I know these are the most popular sellers in regard to game pads but unsure which to choose from. Help.


May 18, 2013
Not the G13, imo. MAYBE the Orbweaver, if you prefer mechanical keys.

N52te (the older version of the Nostromo) imo, by a mile. IDK if the Nostromo is as good as the N52te; a lot of ppl say it isn't.

Keys on the G13 are not ergonomically placed; they are placed to look nice, so you hit the wrong keys all the time (I do, at least). You can even shut off all key assignments if you accidentally hit one of several macro keys that are right near the others. Really bad.

Key layout on N52 is great. Designed to fit the hand, not look pretty to the eye (tho it still looks good).

Orbweaver rly only has 3 more keys than the N52te, as the scrollwheel on the N52te was replaced by a regular key, and the wheel is really 3 programmable buttons in one (click and scroll up/dn can each be assigned separately). OW keys are MECHANICAL tho. . . A plus for many ppl.

Best part of the G13 is the stick being very fluid and even being analog if you get the software upgraded. A lot of ppl d/n like the stick's feel (it is a small "hat switch"), and mod it. Many use an XBox stick made a bit smaller, for this.

N52te DPad is clunky, tho you do always know for sure which direction you are pressing, whereas the G13 stick is so loose you are never sure. The cheap thumbstick extension they give you on the N52te/Nostromo is ****, however. You either use the DPad alone, or you can screw in a PC case screw like I did (goes into the cross-shaped hole the stick extension went into). Some folks mod it to have another stick, tho that is a lot of work.

Orbweaver thumbstick is less obvious as to which direction you are clicking, like the G13.

As for the hand position, the G13 has only one, tho it is OK. One advantage is you d/n have to reach around a corner to access the thumbstick on the G13 (N52te/Orbweaver you do have to reach a bit), but the G13 stick means your fingers fall in a location that may or may not work for you due to the weird way they slant the key rows.

Nostromo/N52te has adjustable pad that can be removed if you d/n like it. If you remove the wristpad, the gap that was under it works well as a grip, if you need to scoot your hand up. Keys are also easy to move around if you want to change the setup. DPad is on an angle, so you have a specific way of holding your thumb, tho you get used to it.

Orbweaver has length, thumbstick postion, and palmrest adjustments. May still favor a large hand over a smaller one tho.

Orbweaver is $$$$$$$$, BTW.

I've had both the nostromo and the logitech g13. I gotta put my vote in for logitech. The g13 for me felt more natural to use. Your fingers rest, much like it would on a regular keyboard. With your fingers in the "ASDW" position your thumb will rest on the g22 key and your pinky on the g15. (see link for a pic) Compared to the nostromo you thumb will be stretched out a bit to rest on the 8 way pad, and will have a to stretch a bit more to hit the "space" button underneath it.

I will admit the joystick is a real pain to use for an extended period. I never use it for movement. usually I use it for inventory buttons. That way all I have to do is flick it real quick to get the results I want.



Jun 15, 2013
THE FIRST PRIORITY OF A KEYPAD IS TO ALLOW YOU TO DO YOUR WORK/PLAY YOUR GAMES WITHOUT EVER HAVING TO LOOK AWAY FROM YOUR MONITOR ***- if you need to look away from your monitor and down to your keypad to see what key you're pressing, then this is ah huge distraction and a fail for the keypad unit.

To make this simple - you can use the Nostromo with a blindfold on and always know where your buttons are without ever looking down at the keypad - this is because how they have placed their buttons - it's very easy for your hand to access all buttons and also memorize them at the same time. You can do it with your eyes closed (hence the blindfold comment)

but with the G13, there is no chance. Is is bigger, and clunkier. There is no way to know where your favorite buttons are without having to look closely at it, and the joystick button is in a very awkward position and is hard on your forearm. (carpal tunnel). If you have to move your hand away from the G13 unit (phonecall, keyboard use, washroom break, etc), and then put it back a few minutes later, then it's impossible to replace your hand without having to look back at the unit and re-position your hand in the exact position to access the keys - but with the Nostromo, you just do this naturally without even looking at it (you can feel the natural position of your hand). So with the G13, this is a major, major fail for this product - and a reason I did not keep it. The Nostromo is a far superior product due to its comfort level on your hand and also the ease of accessibility with all of its buttons. In terms of software, both were equally powerful and capable.
G13 seems like a huge, clunky calculator-type device, with the joystick device being in an awful position ergonomics-wise, whereas the Nostromo is much more comfortable on your hand and has all its buttons placed in easy positions for your hand and thumb to access and also memorize all the buttons with ease.

Nostromo, all the way.


Sep 20, 2013
G13 is the only one that has enough keys available AND the thumbstick.

The thumbstick is the best thing about this. G13 let me move all my movement keys off my keypad area and onto the thumbstick. Sooo nice. Now I am *never* have the old problem of wanting to say move with my index finger but press a skill that is only in reach of my index finger. With a normal keyboard I used to compensate by moving my other fingers over. Or trying to reverse my strafing direction to compensate for what ability key I needed to fire off. It's so great to not have this problem anymore because thumbstick controls all movement in almost every single game I play now.

G13 key layout lets you do this layout which perefectly complements they visual hotbar layout of most games that do a lot of binding.

ESC 7 8 9 0 - =
TAB 1 2 3 4 5 6

I choose to use a Logitech G700 and map ctrl/shift/alt to mouse buttons. Now I suddenly have 96 keys mappable with just those 2 rows of number keys. But G13 already gives you even more keys which is fantastic.

I looked at the others and the key layout is not as nice a grid which means it takes a lot more getting used to remapping in other games that assume you'll be using the number keys or F keys for your shortcuts.


Mar 26, 2014
Sorry guys. Opening an old post because it is the exact question i wanted to ask and would like to know if there are any changes of opinion..

I NEED to use a gameboard unfortunately, as i have wandering hands and always misclick on a regular keyboard. While not an issue for most people, this can lead to a loadscreen for me when i play ARPGs and other HC permadeath stuff. Wish i could just use my blackwidow for everything, but after all my years of gaming, i have never been able to overcome this issue.

I currently use a Nostromo (RZ07), but its getting a bit tired and dont know whether i should just get a new one from eBay (or wherever), or buy an Orbweaver. The Steelseries design looks cool, DAMN cool, but it seems too flat, like a keyboard with a palmrest, and i dont think it would be practical for me. I personally prefer the wrap moulding design of the Razer boards. The Orbweaver looks to be more adjustable than a Nostromo, with the sideways thumbpad adjustment, as well as the regular palm adjuster. Love mechanical keyboards too ^^

So what i guess i am asking is: Is the Orbweaver a more adjustable, mechanical Nostromo like it appears? ie. Is it as comfortable as a Nostromo when adjusted to your hand? I dont care about the cost, as i have found this is really something i cant do without, unless i want to risk death from misclicks (no thanks), or use the naga buttons for everything (sounds like hell).

Thank you in advance



Apr 9, 2013

Hey, that's Okay! I went for the nostromo, when the Orbweaver didn't come out yet. Since then, Iv'e bought one and honestly have to say that a Orbweaver is SOOOO comfortable. I could adjust the palm rest to whatever i want. Ie. When I play MMRPG games , make the rest colser to the buttons, making me able to press commands much faster. The mechanical keys are wonderful. They give you a crisp fast response, important if you have to make a quick move. That's all I can say. (BTW, I was also stick with my naga for a while, such a pain in the ass).

Il Cobra

Apr 5, 2014
Hey guys, i would like to know if it s possible to use the front keys of the Orbweaver with the thumb. I know it s possible with the g13 (g21 g22 keys)
I m used to spam a lot with my thumb using X,C and V keys on my keyboard so i would like to have the chance to have a similar grip on the Orbweaver in case i ll not like to use the side buttos for the thumb.
Any1 can help me with this?


Dec 18, 2014

The Answer to your question is its doable but very tough not like with the G13. I play wow and normally use the G21 key as a modifier on the Logitech G13. I tried it on the orbweaver which was impossible, the palm rest and the side buttons are made to high, and I think its designed for the thumb to always be on the side buttons. As I been using the G13 for a long time, adjusting to the Orbweaver is painfully frustrating. What you could do if you decide to get the Orbweaver is use the 3 side buttons on the side for your X,C,V keys. From my point of view I think use the one that your comfortable with, as I'm thinking of returning the Orbweaver back.
To: Il Cobra
The orbweaver would be practically impossible to play the way you described. You would have to either train your middle and pointer finger to hit the x,c, and v keys or map the keys to the 8 way dpad on the thumb pad on the orbwearver.

As for my 2 cents on the subject orbweaver vs. g13 I would have to say the better "keyboard" replacement. If you use the g22 key as space you can map all the usually keys naturally with the exception of 1-5. The orbweaver does a better job with moving task to the thumb.