Razer's PS4 Raiju Controller Designed For Esports, But Not Available In North America

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>competitive eSports player.

We'll probably have actual eSports players in VR pretty soon, but these people are competitive gamers. They're not really playing a sport, they're using a controller to play a sit-down video game.
Is it made of aluminum with mechanical switches? Why does it cost $179. That price for a controller is mind boggling. Chances are its the same cheap manufacturing process they use for everything else.
You can look at it from 2 highly contrasting perspectives:
1.It makes sense....Americans and sports? Come on.
2. It couldn't make sense: But...but...but...that is the only kind of sport we as Americans actually enjoy playing!
The XB1 advanced controller is constantly sold out at $150. They're not out of the price point.
Right, it's totally a ripoff of Xbox, despite 1) the DualShock controller has had this same basic shape and button layout since 1997 and MS copied it when they redesigned their original Duke controller, 2) Razer already makes Xbox controllers, so it's probably cheaper for them to modify an existing mold rather than make one completely from scratch.
Uhhh... So as opposed to forcing everyone to be on the same level playing field as far as controllers go... This shit comes around attempting to give an advantage. Oooook then.
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