RCA Drivers Not Working

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Jan 19, 2016
I bought an RCA tablet (Cambio W101 v2) and foolishly reinstalled Windows on it and lost all the drivers. I emailed RCA for the drivers and tried all of them and the only one that worked was WiFi. The touch panel driver was said to be a virus by Google Drive, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Windows Defender. Right now, screen rotation (The tablet always starts up 90 degrees off), the power buttons, special keys on the keyboard, touchscreen, Bluetooth, and camera are not working.
I fixed the screen rotation, but couldn't fix the camera.
Goto Device Manager. Click on Sensors and see the one titled BMA...
Disable this driver.
Now go to an explorer window or a command prompt
backup this file: c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\UMDF\BMA2x2Accelerometer.dll
now copy from your old windows over this one:
copy c:\Windows.old\Windows\System32\Drivers\UMDF\BMA2x2Accelerometer.dll c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\UMDF\BMA2x2Accelerometer.dll
This is copying your original driver back, after the Windows 1511 auto update that messed it up.
Now enable the sensor in device manager and it should be good. This worked great for me.

For the camera, I've requested the driver from RCA. I hope it works. I tried the above process for...
We have had the same issue for over a week. My husband even gave them a horrible customer service review to see if he might get something different from RCA that would work after 5 or more attempts to tell them about the virus issue. Still no recognition of this issue however they did give him a pre authorization for a warranty fix. However we have to mail it in and pa for the shipping ourselves. and then wait a few weeks for the tablet back or a replacement. We have never had such a hard time as well as lengthy unnecessary process. If anyone has ideas please Help.....
I'm from Uruguay and recently bought a Tablet W101 V2 change . Today when I turn on Windows will not start running on a black screen ... I've tried restoring dle operating system to its factory defaults and windows tells me that there is a problem and can not continue the process ... I'm about to reinstall the system operational, but I can not find device drivers for any place ... if someone can give me a hint will be more than grateful.


Fernando Leiva - matrix0813@gmail.com
I fixed the screen rotation, but couldn't fix the camera.
Goto Device Manager. Click on Sensors and see the one titled BMA...
Disable this driver.
Now go to an explorer window or a command prompt
backup this file: c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\UMDF\BMA2x2Accelerometer.dll
now copy from your old windows over this one:
copy c:\Windows.old\Windows\System32\Drivers\UMDF\BMA2x2Accelerometer.dll c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\UMDF\BMA2x2Accelerometer.dll
This is copying your original driver back, after the Windows 1511 auto update that messed it up.
Now enable the sensor in device manager and it should be good. This worked great for me.

For the camera, I've requested the driver from RCA. I hope it works. I tried the above process for the camera and it did not work. 🙁
Boy...RCA is absolutely ridiculous about this. REQUEST driver files? What the HECK is THAT noise? When I requested the WiFi driver I got a response about the camera and no driver file attached! When I followed up I got no response except to tell me that my inquiry had been lumped together with a bunch of other completely unrelated inquiries.

Their handling of the driver process is absolutely appalling, and they actually seem to chilidishly choose whether or not to even bother to provide the files!

How can a modern company not have a storage site for file downloads?

I have my Cambio tweaked and streamlined to where I'd say it's perfect, except the touch keyboard. It no longer pops up, even when the taskbar/systray button is pressed. I'm thinking I disabled a service related to it or a dependent/dependency. What is the driver called for the keyboard popup, and the service too, if anyone knows?

Also...I'd be willing to restore my cambio and do a driver backup and upload that file if the above link doesn't work (haven't checked.) Mine's a V2. If that'd help anyone...

well,Mine's a V2. If that'd help anyone...
I am having problem installing g-sensor and touch driver
There is no Sensors in the device manager.
Also, the I2C Controllers for Intel Atom are missing drivers.

Anyone knows what to do with this mess?
I was hoping someone would make a complete image of the fresh restored W101 V2 and upload somewhere, the I could clone it onto my Cambio. So frustrated with it...


Here is what worked for me (W101 v2, Windows 10): download the 12C controllers driver (32 bit driver for Windows 8.1) from Intel (https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/24096/Proc-IO-Intel-Processor-IO-Controller-Driver-for-Windows-8-1). Once these were installed, the devices that depended on the controllers (like the touch screen) showed up as unknown devices in Device Manager and then the RCA drivers and instructions linked in an earlier post worked (more or less). Before I installed the various unknown devices I further updated the 12C controllers by having Device Manager find and install the most recent driver--everything appears to be working with driver number 604.10154.1010.7150. The easiest way to install the device drivers is by putting all the unzipped RCA downloads on your desktop and then just pointing the Device Manager update driver process to your desktop--that way the various unknown devices will just find their own drivers on the desktop. As per the RCA instructions, you will have to uninstall and delete the older drivers for some of the devices before you update to the new drivers. I still have 2 unknown devices that I can't figure out, but the tablet is now pretty much fine.

Thank you linda3t,
I got tired of catching these drivers and just bought cheapest cambio V2 on ebay, created a recovery flash drive and restored my cambio. Worked flawelessly. Good as new.

If you are struggling with drivers for your RCA Cambio W101 V2, message me and I can share the image of Cambio Win10 recovery flash drive. You will need at least 8gb flash drive. User Linda3t reported it worked great. I will usually respond the same day :bounce:

hey ktuluslav can u please point me to the recovery flash drive image you used. stuck with this expensivly cheap hardware.!

thank you for your quick reply. i am tring to open it but it takes me to a 404 error.
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