No, NVIDIA's definition of what a "CUDA core" remained consistent. Since the only compute spec that seems to matter is FLOPS, NVIDIA has only counted the units that perform floating point units. For the longest time (probably since GeForce 8), each shader unit was FP and INT capable. Pascal had 128 units per SM. When Turing came around, NVIDIA split it between 64 FP and 64 INT units. For Ampere, there are 128 FP units, but only 64 of them are capable of INT workloads and are partitioned off from the other 64FP units
The reason they did this was so an SM could do concurrent INT and FP workloads. But again, since the only compute spec that seems to matter is FLOPS, the FP units are what matter more.
I mean, if you want to consider half of the shader units in an SM losing their ability to do INT workloads, which is still a minority of workloads by a wide margin, sure, I guess.