I just had a web page made for me using Front Page. My friend took all my info from my Tripod web page and put it on the new page at http://mama1010.servequake.com/reble I need to make a few minor changes to it. I have all the web page, pages download onto my laptop. I am stuck on 1 thing. Looking at the navigation bar on the left, 3rd one down marked "Interests". I want to change the file name to "My equipment list". I have figured out how to change the display name. The page property's line reads "file:///C:/reble/interests.htm" as the location for that page on my laptop. I have changed the file name it self to "my equipment list.htm". But I can't figure out how to change the location name from "interests" to the new name. And right now when I click the page jump I get an error message saying file can't be found.