Read/Write HDD Speed Effecting my FPS while Recording


Jan 26, 2015
I have a fairly large YouTube channel of 46,000 subscribers and I like to make the best content as possible. I can run pretty much any game at 1080p at 60 and higher fps. However, the moment I record (dxtory,obs,fraps) I get a massive drop in FPS. A friend of mine told me since I have a HDD that I am reading/writing on the same drive and the fact my HDD write/read speeds are low it can't write the data to my hard drive at 60fps. So I bought a Seagate 1TB SSHD (linked below)
So I could have my games on one drive and write them on the other. So my question to you is what drive should my gameplay footage be recorded to,to get the best possible constant recording frame rate? Or if recording to another drive will even help my fps issue. I have a GTX 670 4GB graphics card and a Intel i7 960 processor @ 3.2GHz with 12 GB of DDR3. So it's not a system performance issue that's causing the system to drop it's frame rate upon recording. So that's why I'm "assuming" it's the hard drive. The hard drive I'm currently using is the "Hitachi HD2723020BLA642 ATA Device 2TB"

SSHD I bought-

Hitachi Benchmark-

Use some software that clones partitions - look at something like EaseUS todo backup which is one of the simplest utilities to do this. If you are still confused you can look at this article:
You can run the game and the recording software from the Hitachi hard drive and record to the SSHD if that's what you want to do. For slightly better performance, move the OS and programs to the SSHD and use the Hitachi for data. Remember that all recording software does give some kind of performance hit - maybe take a look at NVIDIA Shadowplay as that has a very low performance hit when recording.

How would I go about moving the OS and programs to the SSHD?


Use some software that clones partitions - look at something like EaseUS todo backup which is one of the simplest utilities to do this. If you are still confused you can look at this article: