Ready boostnd USB drives

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Jul 26, 2011
while using ready boost should I keep my USB drives connected all the time? Even when I’m not playing game or just downloading stuff from internet?

Deleting PageFile does help performance but one you use up your System RAM, it'll shutdown meaning if you got 1GB and have a lot of stuff...
I'm not experiencing any performance boost for games; is there any tool I can use to measure performance of program execution time and FPS of games. Does ready boost takes time to understand user activity and start supporting RAM? I have 3gb transcend ram
:) Thank you all for reply.... my laptop configuration is....

1. AMD TURION Dual core RM-70
2. 3 gb RAM (1 gb samsung + 2 gb transcend)
3. Nvidia GeForce GO 8200M (256MB dedicated and 1407 shared)
4.winstron 303c motherboard
5. Windows 7 ultimate 64bit
6. Transcend 4gb jf v60 USB drive for Ready boost (there are two connected to USB ports so total 8gb)
7. no page file

Plz tell me if you support my idea of getting a 2gb Transcend RAM. How much RAM I can install when motherboard has only two slots..... I read somewhere about deleting page file would help but it doesn't make any difference.....
Motherboard is capable of handling 2x2GB memory units.

On the subject of using the USB sticks for readyboost, not worth it, unless they are blazing fast units, which normally cost a lot more than your general cheapo brands.

Don't delete the pagefile, leave it on auto, Win7 is very good at estimating what size it needs.

Deleting PageFile does help performance but one you use up your System RAM, it'll shutdown meaning if you got 1GB and have a lot of stuff load at start-up, you wont be touching it for awhile LOL... ReadyBoost is best known to increase performance at twice the System RAM meaning 6GB(or more but not sure) is better than 4GB since you got 3GB RAM but since you got 8GB, your good...
Also, Since your VideoCard only got 256MB, IDK if you will know any different in performance when playing games... Here's a video which should be helpful, BTW on the "EnablePrefetcher" Set it to 1 so it load Application faster but 3 is for everything and 2 is for the boot and 0 disabled it and 4 and up means nothing... Set 1 to all three...
And also, do this to all programs with a "ShortCut" and making a shortcut is better than opening the program directly also this is best for HDD(IDK about SSD) so it doesn't really work for some or all HDD/SSD...

Deleting it is better than having it because Windows is currently using it and it's also part of the HDD and is slowing the his laptop... RAM is way faster than HDD and HDD is ganna make his laptop slower so disabled it unless you want it enable it than do a 1.5x3GB and that's like what 4.5GB?

If you ever build one, Just make sure to wait for the 3920($300), 3940k($500) and the 3960x($1000)(Forgot what these processor are but it's in the 39XX)...
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