Ready to finally finish this build


Jul 8, 2008
Starting around last summer my computer began giving me lots of problems after a move and I decided it would be the best time to slowly start a new build. I haven't had the pleasure of getting a brand new build in several years, so I started this build around last May and havent ordered anything new in the last few months and am ready to finally finish this thing off and try some new games out.

I should start by mentioning what I have already purchased in order. (Yes I started with a mouse)

Logitech Mx518 Mouse (

EVGA Geforce 9800 GT (

Corsair 2x2GB DDR2 800 (

Western Digital 500GB 7200 (

Antec Three Hundred Case (

I was going to go with a quad-core regardless. However, with the release of the i7 and the need to pair it with DDR3 and a LGA 1366 socket, I am trying to decide if I should just spend the extra money for i7 hardware or stick with possibly a Core 2 Quad. I just came across the cheaper LGA 1366 board made by MSI for about $169.99 after rebate. I realize this does not support SLI over Crossfire.

Basically, I am asking for help trying to decide if I should just bite the bullet and finish off with i7 hardware (replacing the RAM I have already purchased) or just sticking with a possible Core 2 Quad setup.



Jan 7, 2009
OR, There's always the good ol' AMD x3 720BE or x4 940 which IMO,

x3 720 for mainly gaming, compares just about with a E8500.

x4 940 "Future Proof" alternative budget build if not enough for most the descent qualities on a i7 build, which, your looking at a MSI. So, you could save 400+ on a x4 940 build other than the i7.


Jul 8, 2008
Thanks for the AMD recommendations. Havent been considering going with AMD but I will look over the options and suggestions a little more now.

Give us a budget, and let us know if this includes O/S, monitor, if you plan on over clocking, etc... then we can go from there. Otherwise were just shooting in the dark.


Jan 7, 2009
And barely in the 1-5% range is the GTS 250 with the price of $120+.

Now, not to get carried on, if you go am2+ i'd suggest the Biostar 790GX combo or the Gigabyte UD4H combo with either cpu x4 940 or x3 720