Question ReadyBoost and laptop upgrades


Jun 6, 2019
I've been looking for ways to upgrade my non-serviceable laptop and the first thing i found was ReadyBoost
Now, my question is, is the flash drive's memory used as RAM or just faster storage?
I'm asking cause I also wanna get an external SSD and someone said that it doesn't make sense to use both SSD and ReadyBoost. So should I just use them both?
Also, I only have one usb 3.0, should I also get a spliter to plug both the flash and ssd? Would that affect speeds?


Jun 6, 2019
It's disk caching that's why it would slow things down because a ssd is faster than usb. Windows already caches to ram so if you have enough ram then it will just slow down the laptop even more.
I have 8gb of ddr3l RAM at 1600mhz and the flash I use is USB 3.0 and has 8gb but only about 4 of them are usable for ReadyBoost
So should I just get the ssd and check how much ram is used while playing some games and if it turns out 8gb is enough, just give up on the flash?