(Real) PDF editor?

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Sep 14, 2018
Is there an open source/free, or even not free, real PDF editor other than acrobat pro? I'm not talking about the gazillion viewers with minor edit features, but something that can truly edit PDF files, e.g. OCR text, edit text, write in forms, and most importantly allow to copy images or screen caps in high resolution.

I tried googling for it, but all I get is junk advertisement, subscription plans, and content spam, so would appreciate any real pointers. Would love to just have a regular program--not an "app", not subscription, not cloud-based, that can do these fairly basic things.
i use foxit for my pdf needs.not sure what all you need but i use ti to fill in forms, split/merge pdf's, copy and paste from them and other basic usage. not sure what exactly acrobat pro gives extra but in personal use i've never needed more than foxit free version. they do have a paid one but no clue what it costs or what extra it brings. you sound like you know a bit about it so the product page may help there :)

may not be all you need for your purpose but worth a look anyway.

"I tried googling for it, but all I get is junk advertisement, subscription plans, and content spam, so would appreciate any real pointers."

NOT helpful!
i use foxit for my pdf needs.not sure what all you need but i use ti to fill in forms, split/merge pdf's, copy and paste from them and other basic usage. not sure what exactly acrobat pro gives extra but in personal use i've never needed more than foxit free version. they do have a paid one but no clue what it costs or what extra it brings. you sound like you know a bit about it so the product page may help there :)

may not be all you need for your purpose but worth a look anyway.

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