Hey guys I’ve been having really bad FPS drops in all games but it’s worse on league of legends here’s what I’m talking about
View: https://m.imgur.com/BAKoPWn
this makes it unplayable to fight in team fights or even when I kill a minion I drop FPS https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/43944585 here’s the benchmark it say I don’t have a ssd but I opened pc and saw it there it was disconnected then I connected it back but pc would not load so I disconnected and worked again sorry for stupid questions new to this pc stuff tried asking Reddit for help but no one answered my post I’m going to the store today if I need a ssd would this be good enough View: https://imgur.com/a/qbvbwNe
thanks in advance
this makes it unplayable to fight in team fights or even when I kill a minion I drop FPS https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/43944585 here’s the benchmark it say I don’t have a ssd but I opened pc and saw it there it was disconnected then I connected it back but pc would not load so I disconnected and worked again sorry for stupid questions new to this pc stuff tried asking Reddit for help but no one answered my post I’m going to the store today if I need a ssd would this be good enough View: https://imgur.com/a/qbvbwNe
thanks in advance