
Sep 1, 2011
I bought the Gigabyte GeForce GTX 570 GV-N570SO-13I graphics card and put it in, booted up, the graphics card is running and the system runs but no display...

I rang the company who i purchased it from and all he could suggest was that i have the wrong vga-dvi adapter, but i made a mistake and thought my adapter was the dvi-d one but in fact its dvi-a and the graphics card supports dvi-i which is both digital and analog right? So it should work with the dvi-a adapter?

So...i don't wanna ring the man again which is why i'm asking here, could it be that it is a bust graphics card? The man on the phone said it isn't as it booted up.

I'm tearing my hair out at this as i paid £300 for gfx card and it's gonna cost a lot to return it if i have to....

One thing...i didn't uninstall the previous graphics card drivers as it wasn't an onboard one and plus the previous gfx card i bought i just put in and it ran smoothly...could it be that i haven't uninstalled the previous drivers?

Anyone help?



Oct 10, 2010
Check to see if you have uninstalled all of the drivers old and new then reinstall the new drivers. Then update your drivers. Like GeekApproved said make sure that you have your power connectors hooked up properly.


Sep 1, 2011
Should i install the new drivers before putting in the new graphics card? I shall check the power connectors and let you know.


Sep 1, 2011
please check the bios and turn the option of the video memory....... pci to pci external thn only it will select the external card


Sep 1, 2011
while installing the new graphic card thr is a chance of not getting full performance from the card to get it reinstall the os and install new os and the drivers for best result otherwise some game may continiously crash during playing


Sep 1, 2011
I will try this out tomorrow and let you know, just a question to one of you that responded...in the instruction booklet it says "if the is a power cable slot in the video card insert the power cable to it or else it will not boot up"
My computer does boot up and so does this graphics card would not plugging the power cable into the graphics card make the monitor not show?


Apr 14, 2010
Hey there,

I had a similar problem to this a while ago. My problem was that the newly added card installed the default drivers that came with the operating system. This had changed the screen resolution to a resolution which was supported for the card, but not for the display I was using.

If you have no display right away upon turning on the computer, then it can't be a driver issue because the drivers don't get engaged until the initial boot process is completed and it's running the contents of the hard drive.

No display ever, (can't access the bios, can't see any post screens) - This will be hardware. Confirm connections, reseed the card. Provided all your other hardware is compatible, contact support if this still does not correct the problem.

If you have the initial post screens come up, where you can access the bios, try going into safe mode to confirm the card itself will post. At that point you can confirm it would be a form of driver issue if there is no display ONLY when hitting windows.

During the initial post screens the hard drive has yet to be accessed, so if you don't see anything right away when you turn it on, troubleshoot hardware.

Best of luck!

I don't think you understanding.

Your card requires TWO 8-PIN PCI-E POWER CABLES. They go from the psu to the video card. If you read your manual you would know this. No the monitor is not going to show if you do not have the power hooked up. (you would think this is common sense)

wow that's the issue? yeah if you don't have your power plugged into your card, then you wont get any signal..... wow. should have brought it to geek squad.....


Sep 1, 2011
The reason why i didn't put the power plug into the card is cos my previous GT240 worked without power cable to it....Yeah im a noob when it comes to computers and thats why i came to a forum.

by the way had a look at the graphics card and there is 1 8 pin slot and one 6 pin slot?
They are both black...listen i apologize again for being such an idiot.



Sep 1, 2011
ok so...got it working, but my PSU isn't high enough to run it. So what graphics card will run with a 1000W system?
Im wanting a new gfx card for bf3 and the specs says 460GT, would this card run ok, or could i get a gfx card a little higher?

System specs:
Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 32-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1
System Model: KP307AA-ABU a6430.uk
BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) 9600 Quad-Core Processor (4 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
Memory: 2560MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 2558MB RAM
OMG so you thought that because a little GT240 didnt require a pci-e power cables that your GTX570 doesn't either?? LOOOL

The first reply to your post told you the problem and yet you let this thread drag on because you didn't believe it??

Seriously, did you even bother to read the manual or instructions before going on a forum an looking like a......well you know.

Then you tell us you don't even have a power supply that can power it? LOL 2x

I'm starting to thing your a little slow.......Your cpu isn't even CLOSE to being powerful enough to keep up with a GTX570......and you still havent even told us what power supply you have......



Jun 24, 2010
A 1000w system could run 2 of any existing graphics cards.

The 460 is a good card and would probably run BF3 fine, but it's a pretty big downgrade from a 570. Your CPU is very slow though and would probably hold back either of those cards.


Not true. If it's a cheapo generic 1000w, it likely only puts out about 500w of real power.

His cpu won't even keep up with a GTX460.



Sep 1, 2011
Im going elsewhere, i didn't come here to be patronised, i thought forum's are supposed to give you the answer you came for without being pointed at and laughed at!

So computers i don't know much about...but there's a lot worse than me, get over it.
The very first post told you what your problem was. You ignored it. You also failed to answer the questions asked of you.

If your going to ignore the help we gave you that obviously solved your problem, then why are you here at all??

All you had to do was read the manual for the product you bought. Instead of coming here and wasting everyones time to figure out your problem when you should have been able to figure it out yourself by following the directions.

Then you completely ignored the advice we gave and dragged the post on only to tell us we were right in the first place. Get real dude.