really hot hdd


Feb 6, 2015
so, i got a 2 and a half year old acer ''gaming'' laptop, witch in the past has had problems with heat and thermal throttling.
well, now the hdd is getting extremely hot, hotter than the gpu in fact.
was wondering if i should replace the hdd while it still is'nt dead.

PS: have noticed the laptop getting really slow lately...
maybe the same issue, not sure.

I would definitely do that :). If you want, you can replace it with an SSD for ultra fast boot and load times too.
First you need to solve the overheating issue. Heat can do permanent damage that just gets worse and worse. Throwing new parts into an overheating machine is not going to do them any good. I suspect it is a fan/ventilation issue. If you can, take it apart and clean everything including the motherboard. If you're not comfortable with that have a shop do it.

Yes, backup you hdd now.

Yes, heat could be making it slow down. Besides CPU throttling you may be getting bad disk reads and it is rereading to try to overcome the problem which just makes it hotter. You might also be getting memory errors due to overheating.


i said, i use to have heat issues with the other parts, now that is fixed.
i have a new fan, replaced the thermal paste on the pc and cleaned basically everything, that is not the issue.

just asking if the hdd might die or something from the heat :/

well, it gets hotter than the gpu, and the gpu under load is about 80c, sooooo..... i think i should get a new hdd xD

Pretty much 😀. I'm pretty surprised it hasn't failed yet - after 2 and a half years of "abuse" :).

not quite, it only has gotten this hot lately, better replace the hdd while it still has died :)


I would definitely do that :). If you want, you can replace it with an SSD for ultra fast boot and load times too.

well, thanks for the advice! will probably getting an hdd, as it is an 2 and half year old laptop, and i mainly use it for browsing and light gaming, as i already got a decent desktop rig :)