Really noticeable texture pop ins


Aug 27, 2015
My build:

Intel i7-4770k @3.5ghz (3.9ghz turbo)
ASUS Maximus VII Hero z97 mobo
Vengeance 2x8gb ram
MSI GTX 980 (no oc)
Windows 8.1

I noticed on Witcher 3 horrible NPC pop ins and some texture pop ins. However, it has been noted that Witcher 3 has had this issue. So I didn't think much of it. I also have Witcher 3 installed on my SSD just to see if it would help. Witcher 3 is run at max settings, no hairworks 60+fps.

I then tried playing Insurgency installed on my HDD and noticed pretty bad texture pop ins such as bushes when running forward, and when zooming in down a sniper scope objects pop in like jeeps. Insurgency is run at max settings, 100+fps constant.

I'm now installing Far Cry 3 and will report back.

Is something wrong with my gpu? I just recently purchased this computer.

Thank you.
So with Far Cry 3 installed I didn't notice too many pop-ins. Not nearly as bad as the NPC pop ins in Witcher 3, or the bushes popping in when playing Insurgency. However, during some cutscenes there would be this "glitch" in some characters where I could see through their body, or a pixel was cut out essentially (for lack of better words). Any thoughts on this?

Does this mean I have a faulty gpu?
Still noticeable "pop ins". Even when playing Insurgency maxed, zooming in down a scope will blatantly change the view of an object. Leaves on a bush won't show, then right when I zoom in towards it, they pop up. This happens even if I'm close to it. Other people said that this doesn't happen for them.

Any thoughts?