Really really strange..


Feb 17, 2017
Hey guys first post, but I have been racking my brain trying to troubleshoot this issue.

Lets start with one night pc ran fine. Played a few games of csgo it was running fine like it has been for the last 3 months since I built it. Then next day I turn it on try to play some rocket league and notice my menu fps is at 40 then get into a game and its in slow motion and it still reads as 40 fps, But its a very smooth slow motion.

Did some trouble shooting since i now noticed the vga light hanging for a few seconds and turns off after post. tried a brand new 1070 i borrowed from a friend that hasnt been used yet and still the same issue.

Now heres the weird part I shut down moved the gpu to the second pci slot started up ran fine.
Next day same issue. This time I unplugged and re seated all power connections to the mobo started back up ran fine.
now today get home start it up same issue.
I am so lost lol
Keep in mind its anything graphically intensive ie: Games (every game)

Any help would be much appreciated thanks.

System specs:
MSI Z170A pro carbon mobo
Intel i7 6700k
Msi geforce gtx 1060
16gb Corsair vengence ram
corsair cx 750 psu
2 Samsung SSds
win 7 ulti
Ok so issue is fixed. In the weirdest way possible. Swapped out the psu last night for a EVGA supernova 750 g2. Booted up and the problem continued. Long story short i installed a fresh copy of windows 10 and bam works. But heres the thing ive had windows 7 running smoothly since day one of this build. Auto updates turned off. So my equation is solved with unknown variables because im just resorting to it was magic. Thanks for the input guys

Gave it a look nothing seems to be on any power saving setting.


Its the older one I`m assuming. Black label, but did they have similar issues to mine?


i will get around to trying a different psu, but by chance could there be any other possible culprit?
I was also gonna say it's the PSU, the CX series has problems like this all the time.
Basically your PSU is a big red flag, and suddenly inconsistent performance when you didn't have any before is the common symptom of the CX being the culprit. They're cheap and work fine for a short period of time, but then stuff like this happens where it's not total failure but it just half-@$$3$ it's job.

It's best to rule out the biggest red flag of the PSU, and then we can see if the problem continues.
Ok so issue is fixed. In the weirdest way possible. Swapped out the psu last night for a EVGA supernova 750 g2. Booted up and the problem continued. Long story short i installed a fresh copy of windows 10 and bam works. But heres the thing ive had windows 7 running smoothly since day one of this build. Auto updates turned off. So my equation is solved with unknown variables because im just resorting to it was magic. Thanks for the input guys
You know what is weird. I just got this new computer 1 week ago and all the games were stuttering like crazy. I almost went insane from trying to fix the problem but when I decided to upgrade to Windows 10 everything was normal and the gameplay became butter smooth. Why is Windows 7 acting like this the past month ? I don't know I just know that many people including myself experienced some form of issue with the mentioned operating system which is really really odd.