Question Really strange connection issue, do I blame my ISP?


Feb 17, 2021
For a while now, i've been having this really weird & annoying network connection issue. If something is using a lot of internet over a short time, it disconnects ALL other applications from the internet for a little bit, while the 'something' application is perfectly fine. This is hard to explain, so here's an example:
I have a game open, and on my second monitor I open my browser & load a page, or do something fairly internet-heavy. My game gets completely disconnected from the network for a couple seconds, even after the page has loaded. During this time, I can still do stuff on my browser perfectly fine, and other devices are not affected by this, and do not have this issue.

I have no idea why this happens. It is only my PC that has this issue, all other devices are perfectly fine. Also it's worth noting that i'm using wifi, though the other devices do too, so idk if that would be the issue?
This issue was still present after fully resetting my pc
i'm open to try anything
It would not be uncommon for wifi to cause this issue. The more data you transmit the more you can get errors. Games are session based and will disconnect when they see errors. Things like web pages might just run a bit slower.

You best first step is to test with ethernet that way you know if you have any kind of internet or pc issue. Wifi things tend to be very hard to since they tend to be related to amount of signal level and interference you are getting.