Really weird power supply behaviour

Bloody Chainsaw

Oct 29, 2016
I changed to a Thermaltake SE 530W PSU after my Antec Basiq 500 gave up. The PSU is good, worked without a hitch. Couple of months into usage however, i am running into what seem like drop-dead times for the PSU. Unit will work fine for several days, then it suddenly stops working. I don't use it for a couple of days, and it starts working again. This has happened three times now.

What i don't get, is why the unexplained deaths? The PSU never stops in the middle of operation. I power off the system, then switching it on a few hours later finds the PSU dead. I tried the pin test during these dead times to see if there was a problem with the components, but the PSU didn't turn on. However, when i plugged the 24-pin ATX back into the mobo, the power light turned on, which i beleive means that the capacitors in the PSU were holding power - the PSU just wasn't running.

If anyone can figure this curse out, kudos.
Startup is the most stressful time for a PSU to get voltages stabilized, ect. It's likely just bad quality units both times. You should have a look at PSU tier list for a new model.